Based on the book by Tsvetanka Brestnichka „Tall tales with the letters from A to Я“

Based on the book by Tsvetanka Brestnichka „Tall tales with the letters from A to Я“
for kids 4+ years
45 min.
Dramatization and directing: Elica Petkova
Stage and puppet design: Iva Gikova, Ivajlo Nikolov
Music: Plamen Petkov
Cast: Ana-Maria Lalova, Nadejda Georgieva, Stefan Dimitrov, Stoyan Doychev
„TALL TALES WITH LETTERS” is a performance created by the incredible book Tall tales with the letters from A to Я by Tsveta Brestnichka. In the show we will tell you about the magic of letters.  What is it like to be a letter - is it hard, or is it easy? Will the letters get angry if we write them ugly and crumpled or if we mix them up? What if they get mad and leave? Can we do without them?  How can we convince them that each one is important? And if there was a story for every letter... A tale where it doesn't feel squashed, misplaced or unnecessary … A tale in which it is the most important and which convinces it not to leave us! There is! There is a tall tale for every letter! You don’t believe? Come and see!

buy ticket
09 November, 11.00(Salon Yanko Sakazov 19)
buy ticket
10 November, 11.00(Salon Yanko Sakazov 19)
София, Билетна каса ул. “Ген. Гурко” 14
Тел. каса: 02 988 54 16
Работно време:
понеделник - ПОЧИВЕН ДЕН !!!
вторник - петък - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.
събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В дните, в които има вечерни представления касата
работи до началото на представлението.

София, Билетна каса бул. “Янко Сакъзов” 19
тел. 02 944 14 24

събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В делнични дни: когато има представление, 1 час преди началото на представлението