Natacha Belova, Belgium

Natacha Belova, Belgium
for adults
14 and 15 September, 10:00 to 17:00 h., in NATFA “Kr. Sarafov”, 24th Hall
For professional actors.  * WITH ADVANCE REGISTRATION.
Research into puppetry figures
From an object, a garment or a piece of puppet we will make appear "another" or "others" who challenge us, who provoke us, who modify our breathing. Through manipulative techniques, we will try to assimilate the presence of this "other".
What is the action that makes something appear, begin to be, manifest itself, become visible? We will study different forms of appearance in a scenic space as well as the gestural possibilities of this new being to discover its particularity and develop its character. We will work on disassociation techniques to understand the puppet's rhythm, its intelligence - different from ours - which will allow us to discover the puppet as an object that becomes a subject. Who is the other one? Through play and movement, we will also explore dependence, the influence of one on the other, the appearance and disappearance of the one and the other.
Natacha Belova was born in Russia, has a degree in history, and lives in Belgium since 1995. After initial work as a costume and set designer on the Belgian and international performing arts circuits, she went on to specialise in contemporary puppetry. Working on numerous projects in theatre, as well as in dance, circus, cinema and opera, she acquired a great depth of experience that droves her to instigate her own projects. Her first creations came in the form of exhibitions and installations.
In November 2017, she realised her first work as a stage director with Cie La Barca dei Matti’s Passeggeri at IF – Festival internazionale di Teatro di Immagine e Figura in Milan, Italy.
In recent years, she has given numerous puppet workshops in 15 countries across three continents, and in 2016 founded her own research and training centre, the IFO, a non-profit based in Brussels.

София, Билетна каса ул. “Ген. Гурко” 14
Тел. каса: 02 988 54 16
Работно време:
понеделник - ПОЧИВЕН ДЕН !!!
вторник - петък - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.
събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В дните, в които има вечерни представления касата
работи до началото на представлението.

София, Билетна каса бул. “Янко Сакъзов” 19
тел. 02 944 14 24

събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В делнични дни: когато има представление, 1 час преди началото на представлението