Puppet Fair 2012

PUPPET FAIR - 16 -22.09.2012
16.09.2012 * Sofia Puppet Theatre, BULGARIA - “Where Are You Going Little Horse?” – Director: Emilia Tzankova; up to 3 years.* Circoactivo , SPAIN – “AIRE” – director - Rolando San Martin; Street show
* PasParTouT, GERMANY “Cock Tales” - Director: Martin Glasmacher; Street show. All ages
* Necessario theatre, ITALY - “Clown in libertà” - Director: Adorni, Bianchini, Mori; Street show. All ages.
* ALFA theatre, CZECH REPUBLIC - “The Three Musketeers”; Director: Tomáš Dvořák; Meant for children from 8 years old and adults by 99 years.
* Circoactivo , SPAIN – “AIRE” ; Director: Rolando San Martin; Street show.
* Opening Ceremony - State Puppet Theatre, Varna – BULGARIA – “Some specificities of… Puppet theatre”; Director: Vera Stoykova; Family and Adults.
* Puppet Theatre, Ljubljana – SLOVENIA - “The Bremen musicians” - Director: Matija Solce; Family show.* Circoactivo, SPAIN – “AIRE”; Director: Rolando San Martin; Street show.
* Circoactivo, SPAIN – “AIRE”; Director: Rolando San Martin; Street show.
* PasParTouT GERMANY “Cock Tales”; Director: Martin Glasmacher; Street show. All ages
* Bash Street theatre, ENGLAND - “Strong man”- Street show; All ages.
* State Puppet Theatre, Plovdiv - BULGARIA - “On the Edge of the Sky”; Director: Veselka Kuncheva; Up to 7 and Family.* Necessario theatre, ITALY - “Clown in libertà”; Director: Adorni, Bianchini, Mori; Street show; All ages.
* Pep Bou, SPAIN - „Rebufaplanetes” - Creation and director: PEP BOU
* Puppet theatre, Ljubljana - SLOVENIA – “LAILA”- Following Michaela Pavlátova’s animated film motives LAILA, Author project of Martina Maurič Lazar and Gregor Lorenci; Director: Martina Maurič Lazar; For Adults.
* Bash Street theatre, ENGLAND - “Strong man”- street show; all ages.
* State Puppet Theatre, Burgas - BULGARIA – “Tumba - Lumba”; Director: Hristina Arsenova ; Family.Lecture of Professor Henrick Jurkovski
* Sofia Puppet Theatre, BULGARIA – “HOLY” Premier. Director: Duda Paiva; for adults.
* The Zagreb Puppet theatre - CROATIA - “School for Superheroes”; Directed and envisaged by Ivan Kristijan Majić.Annual Meeting of AKT-UNIMA, Bulgaria
* State Puppet Theatre, Vidin – BULGARIA - "Autobiography"; Director: Katya Petrova; For adults.
* NATFA /National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts/ “Kr. Sarafov”, Sofia - BULGARIA - A gala concert to celebrate 50-th anniversary of the department for puppetry art
* Theater Atom, BULGARIA - "At the Edge"; Director: Stefania Georgieva; up to 12 and Adults.* Theatre Atelie 313, BULGARIA - "Devolution"; Director: Petar Pashov – junior; for Adults.
* Merlin puppet theatre, GREECE - "Clown’s Houses"; Director: Dimitris Stamou; Age – 12 to 16 and Adults.
* State Puppet Theatre, Stara Zagora - BULGARIA - "Cinderella"; Director Elza Laleva; 7 to 11 years.* Theatre Atelie 313, BULGARIA – “Swan Lake”; Director:Vladislava Djambazova; Family performance.
* Jar Theatre, BULGARIA – “Anima Alegra”; street show; All ages.
* Sofia Puppet Theatre, BULGARIA - "A tale of bum - King" – based on Karel Chapek; Director: Katya Petrova. Up to 6 years.
* Closing Ceremony