KUKLART MAGAZINE - Presentation of the last edition

ACT-UNIMA, Bulgaria

KUKLART MAGAZINE - Presentation of the last edition
ACT-UNIMA, Bulgaria
for adults
19 September, 18:00 h., Sofia puppet theatre, stage 14 “Gurko” str.
Duration: 20 min. For professionals and fans of puppet art.

ACT-UNIMA, Bulgaria
KuklArt Magazine
Presentation of the last edition
KuklArt Magazine is the only puppet theatre magazine in Bulgaria, a specialized edition of the Association of Puppet Theaters (AKT) – UNIMA, Bulgaria. It was created by initiative of Kyriakos Argyropoulos, longtime director of the Sofia Puppet Theatre. The magazine comes out once a year. The first issue appeared in 2008, and its editor-in-chief until 2019 was Nikola Vandov. The first full-color print of KuklArt was the 10th anniversary issue, and from 12th issue on the covers feature author’s illustrations, drawn especially for the edition.
The meeting will be held in Bulgarian. Moderator Mihail Baykov – Editor-in-Chief of the magazine KuklArt.

София, Билетна каса ул. “Ген. Гурко” 14
Тел. каса: 02 988 54 16
Работно време:
понеделник - ПОЧИВЕН ДЕН !!!
вторник - петък - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.
събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В дните, в които има вечерни представления касата
работи до началото на представлението.

София, Билетна каса бул. “Янко Сакъзов” 19
тел. 02 944 14 24

събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В делнични дни: когато има представление, 1 час преди началото на представлението