VISUAL POEMS - Jordi Bertran Company, Spain/ONLINE/

VISUAL POEMS - Jordi Bertran Company, Spain/ONLINE/
60 min.
11 September, 19.00 h - 13 September, 19.00 h, online 
Duration: 60 min. For all ages. There is no language barrier.

Author and director: Jordi Bertran
Creation of the show: Santi Arnal, Karin Schafer, Toni Zafra, Zilda Torres, Miquel Gallardo, Jordi Bertran
Performers: Isabel Martinez, Eduardo Telletxea *, Jordi Bertran
Costumes: Ma. Dolors Fernandez
Photography: Mireia Margenat
Graphic design: Miquel Llach
Production: Companyia Jordi Bertran
* In alternation with: Pau Murner, Miquel Nevado, Toni Ubach, David Zuazola and Ines Alarcon.

Visual Poems is a charming show, filling every corner of the stage with an unusual virtuosity, the result of many years of work. On stage a series of simple letters come to life but thanks to great mastery and handling, these convert gestures into verse and verse into emotion.
The show is inspired by the magic of the poems of Catalan poet Joan Brossa, borrowing from the magnetism of Brossa’s alphabet, a game of letters with which the poet illustrates his visual poetics.
Visual Poems starts with musician-actor playing the role of a poet; he is carrying a suitcase full of foam letters and he starts playing their sounds and shapes, discovering how letters can be used to create poetry without the need to construct words. With his guitar and songs, he establishes a warm relationship with the letters that come alive, creating a universe full of characters, choreographies, humor, and drama to show that letters are not just for filling up papers and computers but that they can also create a sensitive world of breathtaking simplicity. The letters, operated by sticks on a table, come alive and transform as the show moves forward: E becomes a dog that plays with a child, which is I. A Y and U create a rhythmic dance while T is a trampolinist. 
Visual Poems is a show for adults that fascinates children

София, Билетна каса ул. “Ген. Гурко” 14
Тел. каса: 02 988 54 16
Работно време:
понеделник - ПОЧИВЕН ДЕН !!!
вторник - петък - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.
събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В дните, в които има вечерни представления касата
работи до началото на представлението.

София, Билетна каса бул. “Янко Сакъзов” 19
тел. 02 944 14 24

събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В делнични дни: когато има представление, 1 час преди началото на представлението