MARVELOUS MAMBO and OLE - La Famille Goldini, France

MARVELOUS MAMBO and OLE - La Famille Goldini, France
25 min.
14 and 15 September, 18:00 h., Borisova Garden – Summer Theatre
Duration: 25 min. Street show.

With Priscilla Muré and Huges Amsler

Him, 63 kilos, 1.67 m, shoe size 41. Her, 63 kilos, 1.78 m on high heels, shoe size not communicated. Together they perform 1 and a half tons of acrobatic lifts in 13 minutes (that is to say, 150 kilos per minute, or 3 kilos per second) while dancing the Mambo with a smile! Passion, cruelty, precision, complicity, pleasure, fragility, tenderness, bowls and slaps - all that in this outstanding performance, offered to us by the Goldini family. With an original door technique, amazing choreographies, smiles to break the windows, the Goldini invite us to great moments of circus, great moments of cabaret, great moments of poetry, great moments... Goldini !

With Morgan Cosquier

Morgan in "Olé!": Serendipitous Juggling
In Olé!, Morgan is on the ball playing any trick imaginable with his juggling balls, arms and legs akimbo. The specialty are flowing movements at a breathtaking pace that are suddenly interrupted to let the routine derail completely – a pretext really, to engage with the audience and take a breath, and leave some time for laughter and applause.
Olé! is a poetic mix of clowning and extreme concentration, beautiful simplicity and spectacular technique, a teasing but inoffensive discourse full of smiles between the juggler and his balls.

София, Билетна каса ул. “Ген. Гурко” 14
Тел. каса: 02 988 54 16
Работно време:
понеделник - ПОЧИВЕН ДЕН !!!
вторник - петък - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.
събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В дните, в които има вечерни представления касата
работи до началото на представлението.

София, Билетна каса бул. “Янко Сакъзов” 19
тел. 02 944 14 24

събота  и неделя - от 10.00 до 18.00 ч.  /ако няма следобедни представления - до 14 ч./
В делнични дни: когато има представление, 1 час преди началото на представлението